Printable Goal Tracker Templates (Word & Excel)

The purpose of life is to set short term and long term goals, work hard to accomplish those goals. We all have some goals or objectives that we want to accomplish. Goals can be set at individual, family, or corporate level. It’s important to have some goals to understand where you are coming from and where you are headed. You can have individual goals on personal level such as get a university degree, buy a home or car, etc. You can have professional goals as well such as start a business or grown an existing one. You can have health goals as well such as gain muscle, lose weight, etc.

Having a mere goal is not enough, you are required to work hard to accomplish those goals. Goals without work planning and hard work are nothing, use goal setting template to help you create short-term and long-term goals. Make sure to have meaningful and realistic goals. Check out the goal setting and tracking templates below, choose one for yourself.

Goal Tracker Templates

What is a goal setting template?

You must be having different type of goals be it your personal or professional goals. Keeping track of goals could be a little overwhelming sometimes, this is why goal setting template is used. With the help of goal setting template, you can keep track of all your goals and milestones. You should not be wasting time or energy thinking about the goals, instead you should channel all your energy on accomplishing the goals and plan a work routine for them.

Printable goals tracker is easier to set up when you have a template with you. Download and print any of the printable goal tracker template from here to keep a track of all your goals and milestones.

Printable Goals Tracking Template

Why do you need to set goals?

Life is meaningless without any goals. For your personal and professional growth, you need to set some goals. They are what guides you to your vision and mission. Setting up a work plan is easier once you know what you desire to accomplish in the end. There are numerous benefits of setting goals, some of the benefits are listed below:

You get focused

There is confusion and dilemma when you don’t know what you are doing and what’s the purpose of doing it. Disappointments and failure can take you away from work path so easily, that’s why it’s important to have a goal and a work plan to keep yourself focused, organized, and motivated. You should know what you’re doing and what you’re aiming to achieve.

You can track progress

There are two type of goals i.e. short term goals and long term goals. You achieve short term goals to ultimately achieve the long term goals. With the help of a goal tracker template, you can keep a track of every achievement. It is absolutely essential to keep a track of what you have accomplished and what’s needed to be accomplished in the coming time.

You will have a reason to push on

We all face failure in life and nothing is more frustrating than a failure. That feeling of disappointment can make you demotivated so easily. There will be no demotivation once you are very clear about your goals or objectives. Even small failures can’t break once you are dedicated and motivated to achieve your goals.

Goals give you direction

Goals gives you a clarity of thought, you will be able to plan your work correctly once you know what your goal is. Goal is like a roadmap which encourage you to make a work plan around it.

You become more productive

Goals keeps you focused, motivated, and dedicated. You will be more productive and efficient once you are focused or motivated. People with defined goals do not easily procrastinate and they are tend to perform more efficiently and actively.


Success in life comes with proper work planning, execution, and tracking. People who are highly successful in their respective fields are the ones who understand the importance of time and goals setting. You need to have some goals for yourself and plan work around them. Break down long term goals into multiple short term goals and begin to accomplish short term goals one by one to finally accomplish the long term goals. There is no shortcut to success, it’s a consistent process to keep working hard.

Having a goal setting and tracking template can help you in setting and tracking your personal and professional goals. Download any of the template and start using it.

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